Rundherum - nomadische Gartenschule
Iris Eberhardt Antonia Krebs Silvia Rafanelli
“RundHerum - nomadic gardening school” aimed to create an interdisciplinary learning environment all around the area of Bolzano, centered around sustainable agriculture and gardening. Our ambition for this project is to invite people to learn about what an individual can do to achieve a conscious way of living and how to consciously contribute to a healthier planet. That means practically organizing workshops connected to food waste, fermentation, soil and more - all in the sense of adapting to the topic of climate change.
Our goal is not only to inform but also to create a community where members can share knowledge and support each other. It is specially dedicated to helping people understand the topic of sustainable farming and gardening. Targeting locals and citizens of Bolzano to raise awareness and foster understanding through expert-led sessions.
The project involved organizing a workshops series called “From Field to Fork,” which is structured into four interconnected workshops. We created a full circuit of gardening and farming: Starting with the first workshop about soil health, the second workshop on the topic of permaculture, and the third to learn about fermenting and cooking. The fourth and last workshop is about composting and therefore soil health again, which completes the full circle.
The project ́s methodology is concentrating firstly on an engaging informal learning parts followed by practical participation. With this theoretical lecture in the beginning and the following implementation people get involved with all their senses. During the workshop they listen to the expert, going around the area while discovering the topic in more detail and experiencing the resources with their hands, nose and eyes.
Project 2 - String Figures