How can graphics help communicate better?

Senza Nome

Michela Capato

Community, inclusivity and self-sufficiency are the key values of ‘Senza Nome’, a bar run by deaf people, in the center of Bologna. When someone enters, they feel at home and they can experience the lives and the culture of the deaf community.
In reinventing the brand identity of this bar, the goal was to enhance the coherence of their visual language and to educate people about LIS (Lingua Italiana Segni). Since the start, the focus was clear: starting from a typeface that could connect the two worlds and developing a coherent visual output from there. The new graphic identity of the bar revolves around hands, the pivotal element for the community and an instrument to connect hearing people to this world. Furthermore, other distinctive traits of the identity are a Halftone texture and a minimalistic main color palette.



A project made in the course

Make It Better

Design can make things better. In this project, students are re-imagining identity designs for institutions, companies, places, and individuals. Discussing past and current influences, and exploring cutting-edge tech in interactive workshops, students develop a critical understanding of visual identity design, emphasising practical experience, iterative thinking, and fun.
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