Do you like wood and metal together?

As Found. Design Inspiration from Regional Folk Craft Museums.

Teresa Ronchin

Skyline is a pencil holder which allows for more interaction and engagement than a typical one. Users can disassemble and rearrange the individual pieces to their liking, making the object more personal and less static. Aesthetically, it presents a simple and clean design, thanks to the few components and the geometric shapes. However, the varying heights of the tubes and the vibrant colors make it dynamic and creative, enhanced by the contrast between aluminum and ash wood.

This object is inspired by the whetstone holders, small wooden or horn containers that held a whetstone submerged in water and were worn on the belt for easy transport. Their pointed shape allowed them to be stuck into the ground to keep the water from spilling. The metal tubes of the pencil holder, fitting into the wooden base, imitate that movement.

DryDrop is a cutlery drainer with a simple design, made with a minimal number of elements. The original inspiration is an antique cutlery drainer made of wood, with lots of decorations. The similarities between the final object and the source material are evident in the structure, but everything else has been reduced to the essentials. The simplicity of the boards and structure is enhanced by the arrangement of the vertical posts, which, being oriented differently, create a dynamic effect. It can be used from both sides and the stainless steel piece can be removed to make the object more versatile. Aesthetically, the cool tone of the steel contrasts with the light color of the ash wood, creating a pleasing visual contrast.




A project made in the course

As Found. Design Inspiration from Regional Folk Craft Museums.

Human history can be found in the things we have made and used. We furnish our world with everyday objects, works of art and ritual artefacts. Many of these things seem to have a story of their own, and some even have a career that has brought them to the museum. Taken out of time and context, they can now be found and discovered in glass cabinets.
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