How to explore a interior concept through participatory design principles?


Anna Lienbacher
Miriam Pardeller

Camaleonte is a space where teenagers and young adults can realize their individual projects as well as organize activities together. Furthermore, the space gives the opportunity for local artists to show their artworks. This space is being newly opened by COOLtour, a youth centre in Bolzano. In a participatory design process, our team held several workshops together with the young adults, in which we developed the spatial concept together. Followed by a collaborative realization of the project. The space is named "Camaleonte", as it was designed to adapt perfectly to the needs of young people and also serve as exhibition space by local artists, which are also a main target group of Camaleonte. The space is designed in such a way that it can be easily adapted to suit different requirements. In additon, an acoustic wool installation was created together with the young adults through a participatory knitting process.

External partner: COOLtour

A project made in the course

Project 2 - String Figures

In the second Semester of MA in Eco-Social Design, student teams cooperate with external partners on “real world” projects. The partners were invited to contribute with a specific issue, challenge or topic, which served as starting points for the students to develop answers, solutions, but also to raise new questions. During the spring of 2024, eleven projects were developed, each one exploring a specific topic and with its own perspective. In collaboration with / partners: BASIS Vinschgau Venosta, Blufink, Comune di Bolzano Settore Donna, Comune di Stelvio, Climate Action South Tyrol, South Tyrol Music Festivals, COOLTour, Foundation Haydn, OfficineVispa, Politermica, Regreening Rentsh, Wiesl.
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