Can jewelry do more than just look pretty?


Caroline Angelika Pauline Blueml

The jewelry that blends style and function seamlessly:
stylish, practical, and made for everyday use.
From chic measuring tape necklaces to handy sanding paper rings, these accessories are perfect for those moments when you need a tool.



Carrying a measuring tape with you at all times sure comes in handy, but it‘s not very subtle.
Therefore extending the function of assessing size into the fields of beauty and elegance, I wanted to create a subtle necklace with which one can measure to their heart‘s content.


A bracelet and a bottle opener combined, the union not only allowing a cold drink on the go but also possesing an aesthetic aspect.
After many, many mock ups and prototypes, I decided to return to the shape of my first idea, which seemed to be the only working model.


A handy little mirror on your pinky finger. Or index of thumb, it‘s really up to oneself.
For this object the goal was to not only keep the function of a reflecting surface, but also to make it stand on its own, so that it functions as a portable, small makeup mirror.


The first ring is a mix between woodwork, beauty and manicure.
Inspired by files, whether they are for fingernails or workshop labor.So, after combining a ring with sanding paper of different grids, this piece was created.

A project made in the course

The power of Play

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.” Carl Jung Play is a way of being in this world. It is our way to engage with it and make it ours through our personal expression. Therefore, we better take play more seriously and use its full potential to explore and understand our world – such as children do. As human beings and especially as designers.
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