Is violence the answer?


Lorenzo Del Forno

Some problems, like cracking a nut, cannot be solved with diplomacy. They must be dealt with, either by hook or by crook. But just so happens the crooked way is also more fun!

Insert a walnut, pull the knob and 55cc will take care of the rest.


Conflict is a force, a tool even, that is commonly regarded
as destructive and problematic but I think we should not ostracize it, but harness it and use it in a productive way. 55cc is a nutcracker designed by Lorenzo Del Forno and at its core, 55cc uses conflict to resolve a problem. 55cc has seen plenty of corrections and versions in order to carefully calibrate the power that violence and conflict can deliver.
Too little and the object will be downright boring, too much and it will be too aggressive. But just enough, and things will start to become really interesting.

To control the impact with the nut, you need a sturdy structure. For this reason, 55cc is made from beech wood and stainless steel. This combination of materials creates a duality that makes the object not only strong and confident, but also simply beautiful.

55cc is not just a nutcracker, it is a little monument that can fit anywhere.

A project made in the course

The power of Play

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.” Carl Jung Play is a way of being in this world. It is our way to engage with it and make it ours through our personal expression. Therefore, we better take play more seriously and use its full potential to explore and understand our world – such as children do. As human beings and especially as designers.
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