Anna Lienbacher

Anna Lienbacher
Academic staff
Aart van Bezooijen
Findings On Soil
MA Eco-Social Design
2023/24 WS

TERRAVASO - Your plant pot made out of soil


The TERRAVASO toolkit as an approach to connect the planting process with an ecological technique of planting. With the help of TERRAVASO, the possibility is given to create a biodegradable pot for  succulents and cacti. Through this method, an alternative for the usual plastic pots is given in addition to the ceramic pot. Empower yourself to craft your own pot by utilizing this toolkit, featuring the essential component of soil, enriched with organic fertilizers. This allows to have an organic pot for your plants. Moreover, there’s no need to concern yourself with fertilizing the plants; the organic fertilizers are already incorporated into your pot.

A project made in the course

Findings On Soil

Life on earth depends on healthy soils. We focused on soil as a do-it-yourself material in the context of art, design and architecture. Through hands-on exercises and guest workshops we explored its material qualities, its everyday use and discussed possible futures for the world of soils. With the BITZ fablab we developed experimental kits to (re)connect and engage people with soil.
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