

Loris Dadda

ZEA Outdoor Stove for Polenta

Dopo un lungo percorso di scoperte e di raccolte denominato “vivere le origini”, nasce Zea. Una stufa adibita alla preparazione esclusiva di un cibo povero che ha sfamato intere generazioni di italiani, soprattutto nel Nord Italia: la polenta (taragna). Zea è stata ideata con il desiderio di elevare e tributare l’identità e l’importanza che questa pietanza ha avuto e tutt’oggi possiede. Una stufa che segue le connotazioni umili e rudimentali dei camini e dei focolari tipici delle campagne Lombarde di fine 1800 e inizio 1900. Per uso esterno, della legna di qualità, fuoco, acqua, farina di mais e grano saraceno, burro, formaggio e, una buona compagnia.

After a long journey of discovery and collection called “living the origins,” Zea has come to life. A stove used for the exclusive preparation of a poor food that has fed entire generations of Italians, especially in Northern Italy: la polenta (taragna). Zea was conceived with the desire to elevate and tribute the identity and the importance that this dish has had and still has today. A stove that follows the humble and rudimentary connotations of the fireplaces and hearths typical of the Lombardy countryside in the late 1800s and early 1900s. For outdoor use, some quality wood, fire, water, corn and buckwheat flour, butter, cheese and, a little bit of good company.

Nach einer langen Entdeckungs- und Sammlungsreise, die als “die Ursprünge leben” bezeichnet wird, ist Zea zum Leben erwacht. Ein Herd, der ausschließlich für die Zubereitung eines armen Gerichts verwendet wird, das ganze Generationen von Italienern ernährt hat, vor allem in Norditalien: die Polenta (Taragna). Zea wurde mit dem Wunsch entwickelt, die Identität und die Bedeutung, die dieses Gericht hatte und auch heute noch hat, hervorzuheben und zu würdigen. Ein Herd, der sich an die einfachen und rudimentären Feuerstellen anlehnt, wie sie in der Lombardei Ende des 19. und Anfang des 20. Für den Gebrauch im Freien braucht man gutes Holz, Feuer, Wasser, Mais- und Buchweizenmehl, Butter, Käse und ein bisschen gute Gesellschaft.

A project made in the course


ATELIERprojekte is conceived as a design experience, aimed at refining and testing technique, creativity, personal organization, research, and communication. After the study of diverse typologies of product and companies, each student freely chose a personal project to work with, consisting in an object to develop, also imagining its potential producer. The path is completed by a rich formation in digital modelling and a theoretical deepening of communicative issues touched by the project itself.
More projects by Loris Dadda